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Monday, October 30, 2006

Unity is Strength.


Here is another interesting story for you.

There was an old man who had six sons. They always used to quarrel with one another for any thing and everything. The old man got annoyed. Inspite of his repeated advices to them not to quarrel, they never listened to him. One day an idea struck his mind.

He called all his six sons and asked to bring one pair of sticks each. All of them brought one pair of sticks. He asked each one of them to take one stick at a time and break it. All of them broke the stick easily. They were eagerly expecting the next step,what it could be?

The old man asked the remaining stick with each one of them to place it on the floor. He asked one of his sons to tie all the six sticks to form a bundle. Now he asked each one of his sons to break the bundle containing the six sticks as a whole..

Each one of his sons tried but failed to break the bundle.

The old man told his sons,"Look, when the sticks got united you could not break them, but you could break a sing stick easily!" What is the secret behind it ?

The sons replied that the sticks were together, hence could not be broken.

The old man now asked them to understand the strength of Unity. All the sons held their heads down in shame for having quarreled with one another all these days. They all fell at the feet of their father, the old man and pledged that they will henceforth remain united. UNITY IS STRENGHT!

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